A PINHOLE LENS gives a photographer very limited control over the image they create. As the name suggests, the lens has an aperture so tiny it's quite literally the size of a pin. And since you can't adjust the focus, each resulting image feels like a bit of a mystery. 

These images are completely unedited, and we like it that way. We found that the pinhole lens, despite its many restrictions, gave us an immense amount of freedom as we photographed our trip. Without the usual amount of control over our photographs, we could step back and let the camera do what it wanted. The results are raw, often nondescript images. It felt appropriate to leave them untouched. 

There were times during our trip when we felt like we were right at home, and there were times when we felt completely lost. For us, there was no better way to capture that experience than through a lens that both adheres to reality and distorts it.

Photos by Miriam Mindel & Grace VanBuskirk (2018)

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